
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Pinky Paradise Contact Lenses | Review

Hi everyone! Ruby here with sort of a different review. I am reviewing my growing collection of Pinky Paradise lenses. I am slowly collecting more and more from their website here. At times you will be able to find coupons and specials so I will try and keep you all updated on Twitter or Instagram. Anyways I did want to mention that the lenses take some time to arrive since they are not based here in the United States. They usually take about 2 weeks to arrive, at least they did for me. So if you need them right away please keep that in mind. All the contacts range in price and they have all sorts of styles available on their website. With all that said let's get onto the try on portion of the review!

This is how they originally come. They also come with a case (vary in colors and styles).

 Behold my eyes without any lenses

Just to show how amazing this pair covered my natural eye color!

 EOS Dolly Eye Grey


G&G Shinny Green 

Princess Pinky Cosplay White Mesh

Individual Reviews:

EOS Dolly Eye Grey
Love love these!! They really make my eyes pop! My eyes appear larger than they actually are. They do have a black rim going around them. My eye color doesn't peek out. These look beautiful far away AND up close. These are so intense without looking scary, by far my favorite!

These are a very natural blue. Depending on the eye makeup you wear they can either really pop or look subtle. They look really blue up close and far away they look a lot more natural. They also look more intense over a lighter eye. I have worn these in a tutorial linked here.

G&G Shinny Green 
Love these! They have a circle lens feel and look amazing far away and up close. They definitely have a lot of detail to make them look like a real eye color. These are definitely like a forest green. I have worn them in a tutorial that I will link here.

Princess Pinky Cosplay White Mesh
These are the most crazy lenses I've ever worn! I love how you can't see my eye color at all. They also completely cover my iris. When you have these on it's like seeing through a sheer curtain. You can make out most things but can't really read something or get a clear picture. I would definitely not drive in these, obviously. Most likely just use them for tutorials or just for pictures. And these are surprisingly comfortable!

ALL of these lenses are extremely comfortable!

There you have it. All and all I highly recommend giving Pinky Paradise a look, there is something for everyone! You can also get lucky and find customer photos of certain lenses on each page. I will definitely be picking up more lenses in the near future! Hopefully you all enjoyed this post and let me know if you give any of these lenses a try!

*The EOS Dolly Eye Grey lenses were sent to me for review purposes.
The rest were purchased with my own money.
 All opinions are my own.*

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